400-902-5338 / 18675639766
President Malvern PANalytical inspects Eurogram Instruments in Zhuhai


On May 31, 2017, just after the Dragon Boat Festival and approaching the beautiful June season, floating melon and plum, Aihupu sword and 100 fruits fragrant, Zhuhai Euramerican Instruments Co., Ltd. welcomed Mr. Paolo Carmassi, President of Malvern PANalytical. Accompanied by the EMK management team, Mr. Paolo Carmassi visited the headquarters of Zhuhai EMK Instruments Co., Ltd. at No. 33, Innovation Coastal Science and Technology Third Road, Zhuhai High-tech Zone. Mr. Paolo Carmassi cordially congratulated every employee of R&D, finance, administration, procurement, sales, marketing, after-sales, testing and production departments of Euro-Occidental Instrument Co., Ltd. and had in-depth communication with staff representatives of all departments. He also provided his own understanding and handling of the responsibilities of the corresponding positions while understanding the latest situation in Euro-Occidental Instrument Co., Ltd. Zhuhai. Thoughts and ways of thinking, so that we all benefit a lot. Mr. Paolo Carmassi was briefed by Euro-American management team on the company's personnel composition, management system and product application. Mr. Wu Hanping, Marketing Director of Euro-American, introduced to Mr. Paolo Carmassi the track of the company's development over the past 20 years, and introduced in detail the design principle, operation steps and performance characteristics of the new generation of laser particle sizer products. Mr. Paolo Carmassi, accompanied by Mr. Paolo, paid a close visit to the assembly process and field operation of Euro-American dust-free workshop, and praised the production process of Euro-American Euro-American Euro-American Euro-American Euro-American Euro-American Euro-American Euro-American Euro-American Euro Finally, Mr. Paolo Carmassi and Eurogram management team took a group photo at the company's front desk and concluded the visit after expressing good wishes for the future of Eurogram instruments.






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